The conditioning to seek approval was spoon fed-especially we must placate the men. It’s like detangling an old rotary phone cord-no matter how hard you try it can never be right again. I do believe that women have a tremendously inflated for perfection because that was how you got noticed and, frankly, because men could be rewarded for mediocrity while she supported. I’m finally learning that most of my answers are in me though the temptation to seek validation is a mofo.

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Right? So much conditioning by our society. I might write Eddye's reply tonight. That would be fun!

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Bro, what Bra? What kind of BullShip are they trying to fly? Lol I banned bras a long time ago, letting it all hang out ,..

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Lol Some folks are comfortable that way ... and some folks aren't. But everybody gets to choose for themselves and not worry about everyone else approving their choice!

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