I do this a lot, too. In recent years I've been able to really hone in on how digital consumption makes me feel, and a lot of the time it's just not good. One of the biggest tests for anyone, IMO, is to sit alone in a room without TV, music, or smartphone distractions. Can you sit with your own thoughts without feeling a creeping sense of dread? If not, examine why you feel that way. Learn to meditate on it, use an app like Calm or Headspace to manage your thoughts and be more comfortable with fleeting sensations coming and going. It's so important to be aware of what's going on in your head rather than willfully seeking distraction because you don't want to face it. That's advice that I think everyone should live by. Great article btw!!

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Thanks, Mike! Love Calm.

And you’re right — man’s inability to sit with himself (I might be paraphrasing Pascale?) is a source of woe in our society. We all need to do that work!

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Yes. It doesn't need to be at all complicated. Mindful check-ins are what's needed. And I enjoyed your drawings of hands. 😅 it certainly relieved some of my stress.

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